  a student entrepreneur blog

Thursday, April 07, 2005

It All Starts With An Idea

A few years ago, during my long and as of today still to be completed journey through higher learning, I became frustrated. Every semester I was faced with the same struggle that every student faces at the end of his/her term: What do I do with all these massive, overly highlighted and overly expensive textbooks. I could hang on to them in the hope that one day when I am 62 and cannot for the life of me remember Avogadro's Constant, I'll be grateful that I can go up into my attic and dig out my old Physics textbook. Or I could sell them back to the bookstore and get 15% of what I paid for it three months earlier.

Little by little that frustration helped the small and slightly alcohol stained cogs (read: my brain) start to turn and bubble out some ideas. Then it hit me! I would create an internet superstore for used textbooks, cds, movies, and videogames, cause if anyone has more than their fair share of these it is college students. Then I found And I was bummed out, but I still thought that I had some very smart ideas and angles.

Slowly over the past couple of years that idea, after a few false starts and retooling, has evolved into what I am currently devoting my time to. The scattered fragments of time that I can piece together after, of course, my family, school and work. I am really excited about what it has become and where it is going. There are to few things that are as satisfying as taking your idea and making it a reality.